
Showing posts from April, 2017

Meeting With People who Utilize EHRs

Electronic Health Records and medical records play a vital role in hospitals today. With them, doctors and nurses are able to provide more efficient care and monitoring of their patients. In theory any. Speaking with a close family friend, a U of A grad currently a doctor at the VA hospital in Tucson and has worked at other hospitals, EHRs and technology has really had a great impact on how hospitals and doctors operate. He talked about how the management of information has changed. Previously, doctors would have more time, or flexibility, between when they read a file and when they had to respond. With electronic records, the exact time he views the file is observed. This means he now has more accountability, yet it drastically reduces his daily flexibility.  Although he lived his formative years back before cell phones and internet, he is by no means technologically inept. He actually was a part of the “team” responsible for trial-ing the new electronic health records when t